Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions
We work on collaborations with foundations and ministries, as well as international organisations from the education and library sectors.
Regional library needs and appropriate communities are identified through our multidimensional tool.
Seeds of Education focuses on young people. This population group in particular has a great interest in and need for libraries. The libraries offer weekly workshops on various social topics. Depending on the topic, parents and interested adults are also invited to attend. The libraries are open spaces that can be used multifunctionally – always under the condition that children and young people feel and are safe there.
Wir planen mit bis zu 5000 Büchern pro Bibliothek. Die Auswahl wird an den regionalen Bedarf angepasst und zusammen mit der Community kuratiert. Unser Fokus liegt jedoch auf der digitalen Welt des Lesens und Schreibens: In Workshops und im Gespräch mit den BibliothekarInnen lernen die jungen Nutzer mit ihrem Smartphone oder Geräten in der Bibliothek das weitaus größere digitale Angebot zu nutzen. Auch die Verfügbarkeit von e-Readern, zur Ausleihe oder lokalen Nutzung, ist vorgesehen.
We believe that Seeds of Education’s organisational model offers little target for corruption: the value we create comes from the processes that create a functional library system globally. Our goal of making these processes, our experience, and our expertise available to as many people, regions, and governments as possible preempts corrupt behavior. What we create, we want to give. As a non-profit organisation in Germany, we are committed to transparency, which hopefully makes corruption very difficult within our core team and would be noticed by us or external observers and consultants.
Libraries are seen as a powerful lever in achieving the sustainability goals. We therefore see education as a tool for independent problem solving, and our intervention thus has a long-term effect on other problems as well.
Libraries are places where knowledge is collected, exchanged and made accessible. Providing access to these places is the first step toward sustainable education. Because in these places, we learn to acquire information and things that interest us on our own. New perspectives emerge from this knowledge. We work with librarians and teachers to provide students with the most sustainable experience possible.
In the Research section, you’ll find results from studies that have looked at the impact of libraries on education.
What can I do?
Do you have know-how on topics that can help our organisation grow? You would like to actively participate in a project or have already identified a suitable community? Or would you like to bring in points that you think we have forgotten? Write us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to support us financially, we would be very happy to receive a donation.
Currently, we are still expanding our collaborations. If you think your support can help, feel free to write us.
Some things are definitely welcome: In the technical area, we are always happy to receive functioning devices in good condition, such as beamers, e-readers, tablets and laptops. Please nothing older than 5 years!
Books are also welcome, of course – but content and language play a big role here, as well as the number. You have several dozen books in English, French, Portuguese or Swahili? Then contact our curator network: curation@seedsofeducation.org and we’ll see if they fit into a currently open category.
Sure! We are always looking for suitable partners for Seeds of Education. Our Cooperation Team is responsible for such requests – just send an email with the request or ideally a sketch to cooperation@seedsofeducation.org.
In the future, you will receive updates on our worldwide projects on our blog and on our social media channels – these are currently still in the planning stage.
We offer internships with us as a matter of course. Completing mandatory internships or gaining your first professional experience? Come and join us. The prerequisite is that you approach projects with curiosity and responsibility and, of course, that our vision appeals to you and that you are willing to be part of an organisation that is still in the process of being built. If you can affirm this, then don’t hesitate and send us a short email to jobs@seedsofeducation.org or use our contact form.
Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions
We work on collaborations with foundations and ministries, as well as international organisations from the education and library sectors.
Regional library needs and appropriate communities are identified through our multidimensional tool.
Seeds of Education focuses on young people. This population group in particular has a great interest in and need for libraries. The libraries offer weekly workshops on various social topics. Depending on the topic, parents and interested adults are also invited to attend. The libraries are open spaces that can be used multifunctionally – always under the condition that children and young people feel and are safe there.
We plan on up to 5000 books per library. The selection will be adapted to regional needs and curated together with the community. However, our focus is on the digital world of reading and writing: In workshops and in conversation with the librarians, young users learn to use their smartphones or devices in the library to take advantage of the much larger digital offering. The availability of e-readers, for lending or local use, is also planned.
Seeds of Education’s organisational model, in our estimation, offers little target for corruption: the value we create comes from the processes that create a functional library system globally. Our aim to make these processes, our experience and our know-how available to as many people, regions and governments as possible preempts corrupt behaviour. What we create, we want to give. As a non-profit organisation in Germany, we are committed to transparency, which hopefully makes corruption very difficult in our core team and would be noticed by us or external observers and advisors.
Libraries are seen as a strong lever in achieving the sustainability goals. We therefore see education as a tool for independent problem solving, and thus our intervention has a long-term effect on other problems as well.
Libraries are places where knowledge is collected, exchanged and made accessible. Showing and enabling access to them is the first step towards sustainable education. Because in these places we learn to acquire information and things that interest us on our own. New perspectives arise from this knowledge. We work with librarians and teachers to provide students with the most sustainable experience possible.
In the Research section you will find results from studies that have looked at the impact of libraries on education.
What can I do?
Do you have know-how on topics that can help our organisation? You would like to actively participate in a project or have already identified a suitable community? Or would you like to contribute points that you think we have forgotten? Write us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are currently expanding our collaborations. If you think your support can make a difference, please write to us.
A few things are definitely welcome: In the technical area, we are always happy to receive functioning devices in good condition, such as beamers, e-readers, tablets and laptops. Please nothing older than 5 years! Several decades have passed since the first MacBook appeared. Books are of course also welcome – but content and language play a big role here, as well as the number. You have several dozen books in English, French, Portuguese or Swahili? Then get in touch with our curator network: curation@seedsofeducation.org and we’ll see if they fit into a currently open category.
But safe! We are always looking for suitable partners for Seeds of Education. Our Cooperation Team is responsible for such requests – simply send an email with your request or, ideally, a sketch to cooperation@seedsofeducation.org.
You will receive updates on our worldwide projects on our blog and on our social media channels – these are currently still in the planning stage.
Of course, we offer internships! Doing a compulsory internship or gaining your first professional experience? Come and join us. The prerequisite is that you approach projects with curiosity and responsibility and, of course, that our vision appeals to you and that you are willing to be part of an organisation that is still in the process of being built. If you can say yes, then don’t hesitate to send us a short email to jobs@seedsofeducation.org or use our contact form.
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Wir behandeln unsere Partner gleichberechtigt und nutzen deine Spende an den Orten, an dem sie die größte Wirkung zeigt.
Wir nutzen Ihre Spenden für die Bezahlung unserer BibliothekarInnen vor Ort und die Anschaffung qualitativ hochwertiger Lehrmaterialien. Dank moderner Technik kann deine Spende schon wenige Tage nach der Überweisung an ihrem Zielort sein.
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